Turning Lives Around welcomes volunteers from individuals, organisations, and businesses to get involved donating time, expertise or money.
Turning Lives Around is effective because of the strength and depth of our team and that includes those who give freely of their time and skills. You can help TLA to make a difference by volunteering your time, professional skills and expertise to support our work and make a difference to our clients.
TLA knows that everyone has something to contribute, and we have a comprehensive volunteering policy that allows us to provide training to you if you want to help us make a difference. It’s simple to donate your time or skills. TLA will support you every step of the way through training in health & safety, confidentiality and boundaries.
We have volunteering opportunities in both our Beacon Leeds and Sustain Wakefield services. The projects provide meaningful activities for service users who face many barriers to personal development.
We also give service users the chance to receive 1-1 befriending and peer support from trained volunteers with lived experience.
We need Volunteer Befrienders!
If you would like the opportunity to volunteer with our service users then please get in touch! You will also gain training and valuable experience useful for professional development or career changes.
In Wakefield, please contact Fran flomax@turninglivesaround.co.uk to find out more about this unique opportunity to help engage individuals with complex needs. You could greatly help an individual to move forward by providing befriending support and volunteering alongside support workers across the Sustain service. Please note that this is an ongoing training and volunteer opportunity, however we only ask you to commit to a maximum of 3 hours per week.
In Leeds, please contact Kim kime@touchstonesupport.org.uk or find application information on BE Collective Beacon Volunteers Project - Volunteer Befriender - Be Collective - Volunteering Please note that this is an ongoing training and volunteer opportunity and the minimum time commitment is three months after training.