What does the Service do?
Beacon provides supported accommodation for individuals who experience multiple disadvantage, including families. The service was launched in 2017 and is delivered by a consortium, including; Turning Lives Around, Touchstone and Foundation. Each partner brings unique expertise and experience that enables us to effectively intervene to prevent homelessness for those at risk. This combined approach, which is designed to be trauma informed, ensures the optimum service for our clients. We also work closely with other agencies such as Forward Leeds and Engage, to ensure further support our clients.
What type of accommodation is provided?
Beacon provides three types of supported accommodation for our clients. We have self-contained flats, shared community accommodation and Intensive Support Environments (ISEs). All accommodation is furnished and clients are provided with the basic living essentials.
In the ISEs clients receive 24/7 support from on-site staff. The rooms are lockable and furnished (including a fridge). Clients will cook for themselves in a shared kitchen and will also share a lounge and bathroom.
Eligibility criteria for Beacon:
How many people do we support and for how long?
Beacon can accommodate around 240 people at any one time, and with a maximum length of stay between four and twelve months. Beacon supports over 100 people each year to move into independent living and more permanent accommodation, through private landlords, Leeds City Council and housing associations.
What support do we provide?
The support from Beacon includes tenancy training along with a range of services tailored to each client's individual needs, such as:
How can I make a referral?
Access to Beacon is via referral. Referrals can come from Housing Options (Leeds City Council), our Street Outreach Support Worker, other agencies or via self-referral. Our outreach worker is part of a larger multi-agency team that provides support and advice to those living on the streets who have otherwise disengaged with services or waiting for access to housing or treatment.
Once a referral has been received, we aim to contact potential clients within Two working days to arrange an assessment. The assessment usually takes between one hour and one and a half hours. Its purpose is to ensure that Beacon is the right service for the client and we can provide the support they need to maintain a tenancy. Within five working days of the assessment, we will contact the client to explain the way forward.
Contact Us:
Referral information can be sent via referrals@beaconleeds.org.uk. Secure address: beacon.referrals@lhc.cjsm.net.
Specific enquiries can be made via the Beacon Senior Pathway Worker, John Pollock - j.pollock@beaconleeds.org.uk or Pathways Manager , Shamyla Sarwar, s.sarwar@beaconleeds.org.uk
If you see someone sleeping on the streets
You can use the Street Link app (https://www.streetlink.org.uk/#) or call 0300 5000914. This will alert the Leeds Street Support Services.