Turning Lives Around (TLA) are inviting landlords in West Yorkshire to come forward to work in partnership with TLA and offer accommodation for clients.
We have a successful track record of placing young people, young families and single people in supported housing to give them a helping hand to get their lives back on track.
We’ve been so successful we’ve run out of houses and are seeking houses across Leeds, Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield.
Through our partnership landlords can look forward to guaranteed rent, the maintenance of your property to the standard you would want and we’ll ensure that relations with neighbours are enhanced.
John Saffman has 12 homes with TLA and he said: "TLA is a very easy organisation to deal with. The rent is always covered whether or not there is a tenant in there, the agreement to maintain the property to the standard we expect is adhered to and when I visit there are no adverse comments from neighbours."
In total TLA manage over 100 properties, we ensure properties are checked when tenants move out and cleaning and decorating are undertaken by TLA’s own maintenance team or our social enterprise, Clean Start.
Accommodation enables clients to enhance and develop skills to sustain their own independent living and undertake a meaningful occupation such as employment, education and training, peer mentoring and peer support.
Janet Spencer, TLA CEO, said: “Landlord co-operation and access to accommodation is crucial to the promotion of independent living.
“We see landlords as a vital part of the solution to ending homelessness and are committed to supporting landlords and tenants to make a successful home we know it can be for those most vulnerable.
“That’s why TLA are committed to taking care of any properties used and making it as easy as possible for landlords to work with us,” she added.
TLA have over 40 years of experience preventing homelessness through working with landlords to provide accommodation. If you’re interested, get in touch today: tel: 0113 276 0616, email: info@turninglivesaround.co.uk