If you need information on this website in a different language or format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille then please contact us:
email - info@turninglivesaround.co.uk
Phone - 0113 276 0616
or write to us at - TLA, Photon House, Percy Street, Armley, Leeds LS12 1EL
The relevant contact details for all our Services are listed below.
Referrals and enquiries can be made via the Beacon Pathway Manager:
Shamyla Sarwar - 07837 420550
Referrals or enquiries can also be made via: referrals@beaconleeds.org.uk
Secure address: beacon.referrals@lhc.cjsm.net
Carr Beck
T: 0113 271 7295 or 0113 276 0160
E: carrbeck@turninglivesaround.co.uk
Central Office
T: 0113 276 0616
E: info@turninglivesaround.co.uk
Clean Start
T: 0113 272 8494
E: cleanstart@turninglivesaround.co.uk
Our Way Leeds Localities
OWL North East - T: 0113 235 1105
OWL North - T: 0113 262 7271
E: owlnorth@turninglivesaround.co.uk
OWL South - T: 0113 277 8883
E: owlsouth@turninglivesaround.co.uk
Our Way Leeds Emergency Accommodation
T: 0113 293 0254
E: seacole@turninglivesaround.co.uk
SUSTAIN Wakefield
T: 01924 764078
M: 07578 032592
E: sustain@turninglivesaround.co.uk
Woodside Wakefield
T: 01924 220177